
Hey there

My name is Samuel González-Castillo and I am a mathematician. Currently, I am a PhD student at the University of Oviedo working under the supervision of Prof. Elías F. Combarro and Prof. Ignacio F. Rúa. Beyond mathematics, there are quite a few other things that I find interesting. Of course, computer science is among them, but other examples are linguistics, typesetting or some areas of philosophy.

Contact details

Maybe you are a former student of mine and want to tell me about how your life is going; maybe you have enjoyed (or hated) something that I have written and would like me to know; maybe you need some advice on how to cook a Spanish omelette. You see, there are countless good reasons to get in touch!

By far, the best way to contact me is via email. I am always happy to talk to people and I try to reply to all emails within a week. This is my address:\[\text{samuel} @ \text{sgc}\cdot\text{ink}\] My apologies for not writing it in plain text; we can all thank spambots for that. If you want to send me encrypted emails (I don't know, maybe just for fun), feel free to do so. Here is my my public GPG key.

I have accounts on GitHub, Reddit and Stack Exchange. In terms of academic sites, I am on Google Scholar. I also have a LinkedIn profile, but I try to use it as little as a I can (again, if you want to contact me, email is the way). I have no other accounts on any social media platform.

Some links to the outside world

These are some links to other websites or resources, from all around the internet, that I care about or find interesting or useful.

Maths resources

Music and entertainment

Essential computer skills

Spanish typesetting and language

About this website

The inner workings of this website are fairly simple. Everything runs on your computer, so you can have a look at the code yourself.

I wrote the CSS, HTML and JavaScript entirely from scratch and I built a static page generator using Python: it handles templates with Jinja2 and uses the Markdown module to transform markdown files into the HTML posts. I also use Sass to write stylesheets nicely and efficiently.

This website was last updated on 27 September 2024 at 15:35 (UTC).