Academic work

The full collection of all my relevant academic work (journal articles, reports, theses, etc.) excluding books.

Mathematical Structures Within Simple Type Theory

Article (Studia Logica) • 2024-07 • CC-licensed

We present an extension of simple type theory that incorporates types for any kind of mathematical structure (of any order). We further extend this system allowing isomorphic structures to be identified within these types thanks to some syntactical restrictions; for this purpose, we formally define what it means for two structures to be isomorphic. We model both extensions in NFU set theory in order to prove their relative consistency.

The dirichlet energies of functions between spheres

MSc Thesis (Maynooth University) • 2023-05 • CC-licensed

Written under the supervision of Dr Stefan Bechtluft-Sachs.

The main focus of this thesis is the study of the p-energy of functions between spheres. The thesis includes plenty of introductory material that helps contextualise the content and should make it accessible to readers from different backgrounds.

Automatic benchmarking of algorithms for quantum systems

Technical report (CERN Openlab) • 2021-10 • CC-licensed

Written under the supervision of Prof Elías F. Combarro, Dr Alberto Di Meglio and Dr Sofia Vallecorsa.

This work introduces a software platform, ABAQUS (Automated Benchmarking of Algorithms for Quantum Systems), that can be used to benchmark the performance of both software frameworks and hardware devices used in the simulation of quantum computers.

Higgs analysis with quantum classifiers

Article (EPJ Web of Conferences) • 2021-08 • CC-licensed

Co-authored with Vasilis Belis, Christina Reissel, Sofia Vallecorsa, Elías F. Combarro, Günther Dissertori and Florentin Reiter.

In this work, we develop two quantum classifier models for the ttH classification problem, both of which fall into the category of hybrid quantum-classical algorithms for Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum devices (NISQ).